Trouble believing you're worth the trouble
To know and to believe
It is important to recognize that the only opinion of you that matters is your own. Once you've fully understood that, life is more likely to potentially be a breeze. It is also equally important to acknowledge that "when you attach too much value to your thoughts and emotions, you can not see life the way it is." - Sadhguru
Don't dwell too much on what you feel; make yourself feel what you want to feel. As they say, "fake it till you make it", it's all about believing. Believe in yourself. Easier said than done but a little effort goes a long way.
The universe works in wonderful ways, and it's a universal principal that your outer reality is reflected by your inner world: your thoughts, feelings, behaviours, and actions are reflected externally at the same vibrations as they do internally. The universe is a mirror, your mirror. So in order to see the desired reflection of one's self/life you have to be willing to give the universe something to emulate.
When you start looking for beauty in everything, it starts looking for you too- and even the darkest of nights will end with the rise of the sun. Despite all your flaws and mistakes that only just make you even more human, you're worth it. Learn to forgive yourself and only then can you allow change- a new energy.
Whatever you put out in this world will become your reality. Therefore, just kow that you are worth it and the universe will do what it does best: reflect. <3
You've got the power babes, all you. X
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